Wednesday, 16 July 2008


I haven't posted in ages! I feel like I've been neglecting you all. It wasn't a concious choice not to post, I've just been too occupied with the whole eating lots of chocolate and tears thing you do after your (ex-)boyfriend breaks up with you. Anyway, "summer" is being wierd. One minute it's so sunny you begin too melt, and as soon as you take your jacket off it begins to rain. So much fun. At least, I break up for the holidays soon, but seeing as I'm leaving my school for pastures new I'm not sure whether to be happy or cry for the loss of my lovely friends. In any case, I can't wait to go to France, j'adore le france!
Plaid shirt - vintage
Skirt - American Apparel
Belt - A boutique somewhere
Bangles - unknown
Heels - Primark

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