Sunday, 27 July 2008

Going Mad in the Summer.

I'm back from my lovely holiday in France, and at the moment the only thing I can say about the English weather is "eugh". It has been very "eugh"-ingly hot all day, especially when you are babysitting two extremely hyper and young children. And then the storm comes and it gets "eugh". I hate this weather, I really do. I am longing for autumn with the oppurtunity to layer and cosy up in tights and socks and chunky knits. I get a warm fuzzy feeling just dreaming about it.
Another thing I get a warm fuzzy feeling about is the Marc by Marc Jacobs boots that the world and his wife owns, but I still haven't got round to buying. At £170 I need to start saving up, but there are so many amazing clothes out there that as soon as I get money it drains out of my savings within a week. I think it's time that I began to acknowledge that my savings account does in fact exist. View them here
Dress - Punkyfish (I know, wierd)
Heels - Peacocks
P.S. Anyone know where I can get hold of some Ray-Ban Wayfarers quite cheaply?

Monday, 21 July 2008

Just A Warning.

It's nothing bad, just a warning that I will be away until Saturday in the lovely France visiting family and such. So there will be no posts until then, maybe even longer...

Miss you all.


Saturday, 19 July 2008

Wierd Weather.

School's out for summer - shouldn't I be happy? I'm seriously beginning to miss my friends, they all live so far away. At least it's sunny, wait, no, it's not. It's one of those really stupid on-off days. One minute it's absolutely chucking it down with rain, the next minute it's really sunny. Wrapping up in layers seems to be the only solution so it's blazers and jeans. I HATE IT!
Blazers - Matalan
T-shirt/Dress - American Apparel
Necklace - Vintage
Jeans - Boutique somewhere
Shoes - Primark

Wednesday, 16 July 2008


I haven't posted in ages! I feel like I've been neglecting you all. It wasn't a concious choice not to post, I've just been too occupied with the whole eating lots of chocolate and tears thing you do after your (ex-)boyfriend breaks up with you. Anyway, "summer" is being wierd. One minute it's so sunny you begin too melt, and as soon as you take your jacket off it begins to rain. So much fun. At least, I break up for the holidays soon, but seeing as I'm leaving my school for pastures new I'm not sure whether to be happy or cry for the loss of my lovely friends. In any case, I can't wait to go to France, j'adore le france!
Plaid shirt - vintage
Skirt - American Apparel
Belt - A boutique somewhere
Bangles - unknown
Heels - Primark

Wednesday, 2 July 2008


Computer is now fixed sooner than I thought, so here's the beloved Marc Jacobs t-shirt that arrived today. The rain cleared up enough for me to take photos, but it's still pretty drizzly. Sorry about the blurry pictures of me, although I kind of like them. Wierd...
Top - Marc Jacobs (via eBay)
Skirt - Vintage
Socks - Topshop
Heels - New Look
Bangles - unknown

New Clothes = Extreme Happiness Overload

My Marc Jacobs tee has come! AHHHHHHHH! I am in love, I swear I actually kissed the label. Unfortunately my computer had a fit whilst trying to upload the pictures, and now I can't show you the absolute and utter gorgeousness-ness of my eBay steal.

What a horrible day, rain and such, I hate it. I hope it doesn't stay like this for my trip to London. If my computer decides to let me upload the pics (taken in my garage), I guess I'll have to do a double post. Today's outfit and tomorrows. Both will probably include my MJ tee (obsessed?).

I had to post, couldn't neglect you all!

Tuesday, 1 July 2008


The hottest day of the year so far, and I don't think I needed a weather report to work that one out. My Marc Jacobs tee is not yet here, I'll guess I'll have to carry on waiting. Yesterday it was spring, and today it actually felt like July. Thank goodness for that! 17 days until the summer holidays, can't wait.
Blazer - Matalan
Top - Vintage
Skirt - New Look
Sandals - H&M
Sunglasses - H&M